Happy new year to you! The new year brings new resolutions, new ideas, and NEW STAMPIN’ SUPPLIES! Yep, the newOccasions Mini-Catalog and the Sale-A-Bration catalog are here! You can get products from the Occasions Mini-Catalog beginning January 4, and you can collect your FREE Products from the Sale-A-Bration catalog beginning January 24.
One of my new resolutions is to get my stamping area cleaned up (again!) and get organized. Whew! I seem to say that a lot, and then a project or two creates chaos out of my stamping space. Well, Christmas held lots of projects, so I guess that’s to be expected. I also want to be more consistent in photographing projects and posting them here for you.
If you don’t already have your new Occasions Mini-Catalog and Sale-A-Bration catalog, contact me today and I will send you one right away! If you currently have a demonstrator, please contact them for your catalogs.

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